It's hard to argue with the premise that every small business should budget for bookkeeping|accounting services. The benefits you gain far outweigh financial or other disadvantages. "Your Numbers Guy" rates are reasonable that start-ups can afford to hire us and grow with our services as their ventures grow. Here are just a few of the benefits that our services can offer to small businesses:
1. Never Pay a Bill Late
Running a business day to day is time consuming, and sometimes the little things are left undone. Not paying a bill is one of those mundane tasks that can result in major consequences, and it's important to delegate this task to someone with the skills and time to oversee paying company bills. Our service excels at this because that's our job. Arrange to have statements sent to the us in "care of" your small business, or give us access to online accounts to check statements and make payments online.

2. Track Multiple Income Sources
If you're a small business owner who loves the big picture aspects of operating a business, you probably dread the detailed accounting required to maintain the business. Landing a contract is fun and rewarding. Opening a software program, creating invoices and entering payments received can be miserable if you don't care for the details. Hire our service to take care of those tasks for you. Quickbooks Pro is our specialty and is a great example of small business accounting software programs that allow multiple users and offer online programs which gives you tremendous flexibility and information. We can log in from our office or anywhere and make those entries for you from receipts, bank statements, or reports that you forward.
3. Payroll
You may be the only employee now, or perhaps you're in a partnership. Someday your business may grow to include more employees, and our services are a great option for handling all of your payroll needs through QuickBooks.
4. Reports
Many small business owners don't know the true financial state of their business. If you don't analyze your finances and stay on top of them, your business can struggle or even fail. Having access to critical financial reports is crucial, and our services generate the reports you need on a timely basis. Most businesses require financial reports on a bi-weekly basis, but some need one weekly, and a very small business may need reports only once a month. Whatever frequency you choose, we will prepare the reports for you so that you can see where your business stands and prevent problems from occurring.

5. Avoid Overdraft Fees and Additional Interest Payments
One duty that we can perform for you is bank reconciliation. Don't rely on your bank statements to give you an accurate picture of your financial bottom line. We can handle your accounts payable and accounts receivable and enter the information in QuickBooks so that you know what your real balance is. You won't make the mistake of writing a cheque for more than you have available, which can result in an overdraft fee and additional interest on outstanding debts.
Receive the benefits as early as possible in your business. You won't regret saving time and money because of it. <HOME>
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